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Teacher Sophie reports about her Chinese class

Learning Chinese in a group can be efficient and fun.
By Sophie Chang

Learning can be efficient and fun, especially learning in a small group. This group which started the first Chinese session in early March is small and nice.

My students own better speaking space which allows more Chinese speaking practice. Apart from speaking, our sessions practice listening, reading and writing. The teacher is not the only language medium anymore when the other media joined our class as well, for example, DVDs show how the dialogues apply in real life and PowerPoint slides assist teaching and learning. Regarding reading and writing, my students learned to recognize and write the Chinese characters. They are not only ‘characters’ but embrace beautiful Chinese culture at the same time. Our sessions were designed for building for four-skill competence and therefore appropriate activities were arranged within the class. After the sessions, we use this website, shown below, which includes the supplementary materials, the announcements, the reminders, and the introduction to each session. This helps us to keep a record of each session and to have communication outside of classroom. I, as an instructor, also enjoy this group course very much.

Sophie’s class can still be joined. Check here.

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